

双减」 政策的出台,标志着国家从政策层面全面实施校外培训规范治理,从此将扭转新型教育格局,逐步迈向遵循教育规律、聚焦高效课堂、回归育人本原的新发展道路;与此同时,教育始终贯穿于首都城市战略定位之中,是加强 「四个中心」 功能建设、提高 「四个服务」 水平的重要基础和支撑力量,教育在北京城市现代化建设中的战略地位越发凸显。由此,多维利好政策将推动学校教育迎来新的发展机遇。

北京王府学校在 25 年的办学历程中,始终坚决贯彻党的教育方针和立德树人的根本任务,坚持党和国家教育改革发展的政治自觉、思想自觉和行动自觉,在教育发展理念上,与国家教育改革的发展战略和部署思想从未背离。

学校严格落实教育部等八部委关于教育 「走出去」 的开放教育政策,身体力行地推动教育优先发展战略,树牢 「四个意识」,坚定 「四个自信」,做到 「两个维护」,坚持国际教育创新发展不动摇,坚持新型人才培养标准适应国家战略发展不动摇,坚持推进先进教学资源共享下的教育均衡发展不动摇。




与此同时,个人的发展应与社会发展相匹配。全体教职工应摆正心态,树立责任意识和担当意识,不断强化自身综合素质,对师德修养及新内涵提出更高要求,秉持归零心态和自觉学习新动力,让个人命运与时代发展同步,用心把握好 「以心灵塑造心灵,以人格造就人格」 的神圣事业,做人民满意的教师,做培养时代新人的 「大先生」。




On August 27th, the Beijing Royal Campus Faculty and Staff Meeting for the 2021-2022 School Year was held on campus and livestreamed for teachers and faculty. BRS Chief Principal Wang Guangfa extended the warmest of welcomes to our new and returning teachers, and shared with us the recent changes in the domestic and international education situation and education policies.

Education in China is changing significantly due to national guidelines designed to give full play to the main role of schools in teaching and education. Authorities proposed these changes to ease students』 academic burdens and stress, due to excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. Meanwhile, U.S.-China relations are moving in a positive direction as academic opportunities open up once again to Chinese students. We must continue to insist on the development of international education without wavering.

Looking ahead to the new school year, Principal Wang shared his perspectives on BRS』s future development and direction:

· During 25 years of development, BRS has firmly implemented the education policies of the Party and the country, and ensured all efforts have been made to provide all-round development of our students.

· Our emphasis remains on teaching quality. We have been committed to and will continue to develop a high-quality education system that satisfies the needs of our people.

· Each and every school division should make good use of the school』s cutting-edge resources and platforms and seize every opportunity to fully enjoy the developments of scientific power in the new era. Teachers should learn to manage and use data systems, master information-based teaching methods through practice, strengthen their own learning, and improving their teaching ability by keeping an open and inquisitive mind.

· BRS maintains our commitment to finding every and any methods or practices necessary to enhance our students』 motivation to study.

· Homeroom teachers need to strengthen their own management and communication skills and represent the school to do well in home-school-education.

· We must continue to make good use of the advantages of modern teaching technology at BRS and continue to offer teaching help to remote areas, improving education equality via our satellite distance teaching technology.

· BRS』s logistics and service team continues working hard to provide the healthiest and safest campus possible for our students and entire campus community.

· BRS will continue to look for ways to improve, enhance and develop campus resources. During the summer vacation, the school upgraded many facilities and venues to optimize its ability to deliver quality education.

·In the future, the school will endeavor to acquire highly qualified management personnel and faculty and will continue to search for more teachers with a strong sense of responsibility who want to become part of the BRS campus community.

After the summer break, we are confident that everyone should be recharged and ready to face any challenges, and have an excellent year ahead. We look forward to greeting our students soon.

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