
International Women's Day coincided with the annual World Kidney Day on March 8, 2018. The theme of the World Kidney Day this time was "care for women's health and focus on kidney disease".

It is estimated that approximately 195 million women in the world suffer from chronic kidney disease. The risk of danger during pregnancy is significantly higher and the risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy is 4-5 times higher than the risk of suffering from kidney disease in final term. Some specific kidney diseases occur more often in women, for example lupus nephritis and urinary tract infection. The kidneys are important for women's health. In the morning, the Department of Nephrology of Royal Hospital held a consultation session on the first floor of the outpatient hall. At the site of the activity, the chief physician - Lyu Moling and medical staff of the nephrology department patiently answered one-to-one questions about kidney problems. Director Lyu repeatedly emphasized that kidney disease must be discovered, diagnosed and treated early, advantage should be taken of traditional Chinese medicine, and individualized treatment plans integrating Chinese and Western medicines should be adopted under the guidance of physicians. The atmosphere of the scene was warm and treatment is in full swing.

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